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Sulfen Southern
RightLine® SULFEN SOUTHERN: formulated as a flowable (suspension concentrate) containing imazethapyr and sulfentrazone. RightLine® SULFEN SOUTHERN may be used in the following turf areas: golf fairways and roughs, residential, commercial, institutional lawns, sod farms, and athletic fields.
- Now labelled for St Augustine Turf.
- Now includes Control of Doveweed and Suppression of Virginia Buttonweed.
- Labeled for Warm Season Turfgrass, excluding Seashore Paspalum.
- Visible results in 24 hours.
- Expanded label includes both Pre and Post emergent applications.
- Dual modes of action, absorbed by the roots and foliar.
- Superior control of Sedges and Kyllinga and enhanced efficacy of Purple Nutsedge.
- Provides Dallisgrass suppression.
- No need for an added surfactant.
- Caution Signal-Word.
- Convenient 64 oz packaging.
1 gallon bottle
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